

Our Mission
The Polish American Arts Association (PAAA) of Washington, D.C. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1966 and dedicated to creating public awareness of the richness of Polish culture and to supporting greater cooperation and understanding between the United States and Poland in the fields of art, culture and education.

What We Do
The PAAA sponsors or cosponsors a series of programs typically consisting of lectures, film showings, concerts, literary events, and social gatherings. It it also involved in book sales, holiday craft work shops, and art exhibits, and helps with fundraising events for a variety of Polish and Polish-American causes.

Every summer around St. John’s Eve (the Summer Solstice) the PAAA puts on a traditional Wianki – or Festival of Wreaths – at the Lincoln Memorial which is open to the public. Each December, the traditional Wigilia Christmas dinner takes place at an arranged venue. A scholarship program, established in 1998, aids several Polish-American college students each year.

The PAAA is an affiliate of the American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC), a national umbrella organization founded in 1948 for the preservation of Polish cultural, literary and folk traditions in the United States. ACPC now includes 33 affiliates and supporting entities.

The Polish American Arts Association is governed by its Constitution, which can be accessed here.

2024 Annual Report can be found here.

2023 Annual Report can be found here.

Board of Directors

Matthew Stefanski


Cecilia Larkin

First Vice President

Cecilia Glembocki

Second Vice President

Mary Beth Sowa

Recording Secretary

Margaret Butler


Gregory Butler


Members of the Board

Gregory Butler

Elżbieta Chłopecka Vande Sande

Laura Kafka-Price

Rose Kobylinski

Thomas Payne

Stasia Skrypczuk